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English translation for "drive spindle"


Related Translations:
driving spindle:  传动轴主动轴主动螺杆;驱动心轴
spindle stock:  床头头架
neurotendinous spindle:  神经腱纺锤
spindle oil:  【机械工程】锭子油,轴润滑油。
tail spindle:  顶尖轴顶针套尾心轴
spindle carrier:  接轴支架轴支持装置主轴托架主轴支架主轴转盘
spindle microtubule:  纺锤体微管
armature spindle:  电枢轴
wheel spindle:  磨轮轴磨轮转轴
spindle headstock:  床头主轴箱
Example Sentences:
1.Driving spindle ends for portable hand , impact , air electric tools percussion tools excluded
2.The length of line is prolonged without increasing of driving . its driving spindle is to drive single roller to form accumulation
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